
Entity Definition

Logical Name : BusinessUnitDimension

This table identifies and describes business units involved in a retail business. A business unit is typically instantiated as a DC, store, admin office, web site or other retail establishment.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
BusinessUnitID (PK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for an RetailStore, DistributionCenter or AdministrationCenter ID_BSN_UN Identity integer
TypeCode A unique retailer assigned code denoting the applicable sub-type of BusinessUnit. TY_BSN_UN Code2 char(2)
Name The name of the BusinessUnit NM_BSN_UN Name varchar(40)
Local The unique identifier of the Currency. ID_CNY_LCL Identity int
OperationalPartyID A unique, system assigned identity for a Party. ID_PRTY_OPR Identity int
SiteID Token ID for a Site ID_STE Identity int
GeographicLocationID Token ID for a GeographicLocation ID_GEO_LCN Identity integer
GeoPhysicalCoOrdinateSystemTypeCode A retailer assigned mnemonic code denoting the geo-physical co-ordinate system. CD_TYP_CRDN_GEO Code2 char(2)
CoOrdinateValue A string containing the Co-Ordinate, the format of which is defined by the GeoPhysicalCoOrdinateSystem. Eg: ISO-6709 defines a standardised representation of Latitude, Longitude & Altitude: �DDMMSS.SS�DDDMMSS.SS�AAAA.AA/ where: � = direction identitier DD & DDD = Degrees of latitude & longitude MM = Minutes of latitude & longitude SS.SS = Seconds of latitude & longitude AAAA.AA = metres of altitude / = terminator So the summit of Mt Everest is represented by +27.5916+086.5640+8850/ CD_CRDN_VL ISO-6709LongitudeLatitude varchar(30)
ICAOcode International code used to designate airport/weather reporting stations. This is the closest thing to an international standard for designating weather forecasting/current condition reporting areas. It's value for ARTS is that it is an international standard CD_ICAO Code4External char(4)
SiteTypeCode Identifies a valid category of site (physical place). CD_STE_TY Code varchar(20)
TimeZoneCode A code denoting which TimeZone the Site is in. CD_TZ Code6 char(6)
OperationalPartyID__388758 A unique, system assigned identity for a Party. ID_PRTY_OPR_STE Identity int
AddressLine1 The first line of the address, normally the street number and name. A1_ADS Address varchar(80)
AddressLine2 The second line of an address, normally the Flat or Building Suite number. A2_ADS Address varchar(80)
AddressLine3 The third line of the address. A3_ADS Address varchar(80)
AddressLine4 The fourth line of the address. A4_ADS Address varchar(80)
City The city, town or village component of the address CI_CNCT City varchar(30)
ISO_3166-2CountrySubDivisionID Token ID assigned to uniquely identify all country-primary subdivision instances. This token is non-signifcant and should be automatically generated. ID_ISO_3166_2_CY_SBDVN Identity int
PostalCodeID A token identifier for a generic postal code. Postal codes vary in format, structure and content from one country to another. This generic ID ensures that each postal code is unique across ALL COUNTRIES. ID_PSTL_CD Identity integer
GeographicSegmentID Token ID for a GeographicSegment which is used to categorize customers based on where they live, shop and work. ID_GEO_SGMT Identity int
OpenDate The opening date for the RETAIL STORE DC_OPN_RT_STR DateCalendar date
ClosingDate The closing date for the RETAIL STORE DC_CL_RT_STR DateCalendar date
LastRemodelDate Last date this retail store business unit was remodeled. DC_RMDL_LST DateCalendar date
SellingAreaSize The size of the selling floor. in a large STORE this is further split by the sales floor and by the merchandise departments. QU_SZ_AR_SL Quantity decimal(9,2)
Size The size of the RETAIL STORE. This is usually split by the non-sales and sales areas. QU_SZ_STR Quantity decimal(9,2)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
BusinessUnitDimension includes LocationDimension
BusinessUnitDimension is responsible for TenderFact
BusinessUnitDimension is part of BusinessUnitGroupDimension
BusinessUnitDimension is responsible for CustomerLoyaltyProgramFact
BusinessUnitDimension is characterized by BusinessUnitGeolocationDimension
BusinessUnitDimension is responsible for SalesReturnFact

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